Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To start....

Hi!  I'm Lauren!
And I'm Monica!

And together we are breeze.

Currently our families live with each other and we recently decided that we needed to start a blog and share our lives with...well..pretty much everyone. 

We met at work about 5 years ago.  We were co-teachers in a classroom.  Monica is still a teacher and I am currently a stay at home mom/full time student.  We both have children and significant others.  I have a wonderful, funny husband and Monica is currently dating his best friend which is my best guy friend.  We are one big happy family here :)

So, Laurica, as we will refer to ourselves, comes up with elaborate stories that may or may not be true.  We have always said that someone needs to hear us.  Somethings you read may be bizarre and make no sense whatsoever, and other things will be real and have real meaning.  Feel free to comment on anything.  We love input.  We aren't sensitive.  We have balls'o'steel.  Laurica-Laurica will be updated every day with our latest shenanigans/stories/ramblings.  Get excited.  This is going to be great...


  1. Hey there! Okay I'm going to take the "feel free to comment on anything," literally, I hope this doesn't offend despite the fact that you both have "balls'o'steel" but I like your blog, it’s amusing and I'm already a follower, so my advice, un-wanted opinion, suggestion you didn't ask for is to not use that font, and to proof-read. The font is hard to read, and when I'm going along chuckling my way through your posts I get snagged on the wrong word or a miss-spelling, again not trying to offend, just a suggestion.

  2. Jess thank you. I agree. The font is difficult. We will change it. And yes there were grammtical errors that we missed. Lol. I believe we've fixed them!! Thank you!
