Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get up the street...

Do you do these things?  ‘Cause we sure as hell do NOT.

Reevaluate yourself people and get your shit together.  These things listed below just outright annoy the hell out of us…

Are you mean to children?-  are you serious?  Being mean to a child because your expectations are too high is inappropriate.  For example… yelling at a child that has wet their pants because there isn’t a bathroom around…WRONG.  When kids need to go pee, they need to go pee NOW.  Just take a deep breath and deal with it.  Reassure the child that its ok and accidents happen.  And keep a smile on your face.  Just do it. 
Or, has kids just because it’s the social norm?  No, friends.  Children are a gift, not a purse.  You do actually have to take into account that they do have needs and hiring a baby sitter so you can sleep in every weekend is highly unacceptable.  Get up with your children in the morning and go to the park, cook breakfast together, paint, I don’t know, ANYTHING.  Hiring someone to do the parenting for you is just outrageous.  Don’t have kids just because its “what you should do” or “what is expected” have them because they are wonderful. 

Pay for a newspaper with a $100 dollar bill?-  nope.  Like, what are you trying to prove?  That you have a large amount of money that you are carrying around in your pocket? Good idea.  Because that person behind you at Wawa now knows that you carry that money on you.  And now your ass is getting robbed.  Also, have you ever taken notice to the cashiers face when a person pays with a $100?  Pay attention next time as to how slow they count out the change.  You want to hold people up?  You got it.  The newspaper is $1.50 guy.  Don’t you have 6 quarters?  And ok, we get it.  Maybe you want change, but there are such things as banks.  They will do it for you and the customer behind you wont sigh, roll their eyes or even make comment.  And get this; it won’t piss off the teller.  Are you that person that enjoys annoying the hell out of someone that works at a convenience store?  Don’t do it anymore and we won’t talk about you.  Just sayin’. 

Single girls that flirt with your man when you are CLEARLY standing right there-  OKAY ladies.  We get it, you’re desperate.  But we aren’t.  We have men who are very interested in us.  Back the hell up off him or see this ring (you cant see it, but you can imagine), you will have a permanent imprint under your pretty little eye.  If you see us standing there with him, use caution as you approach because our initial reaction is to demoralize you in any way, shape or form.  We’ve done it, and we will do it again.  Also, ladies who think its ok to hook up with married men.  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?  No, that’s not ok, especially if he is your best friends husband.  Just because he talks to you doesn’t mean he wants to see your dirty snatch.  He married me for a reason, not you.  Oh, and please don’t lie to her face.  Because Karma really is a bitch isn’t it? 

Invade your bubble-  get out of my space right now.  We’ve all had this happen to us.  Not cool.  If we can smell you, TOO CLOSE.  And at the bar….whoa.  We know you are drunk and like to hug it out and/or high five, but please only do this if we give the ok.  And the “ok” being eye contact or a smile.  Otherwise, court case.  What about those creepers in line that stand right up on your ass because they are in a hurry?  Standing that close to me does not make the line move faster, I promise.  I can smell your halitosis, and it does make me gag.  How about driving so close you can't see the headlights anymore?  I’m gonna come to an abrupt stop, then sue your ass when you crash into me because “owwww, my neck hurts”.  Now look…I have a pretty new car and installed some hardwood floors and you have 5 points on your license, insurance premiums that are through the roof and a busted up car that you cant fix.  Should have backed off when I gave the brake tap warning the first time, huh? Thanks for being that asshole.  J 

What are your pet peeves?    Leave a comment because we might just have something to say about it…and it could be funny.

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